Sangmi Lee is an architectural designer based in Seoul and Los Angeles. She was born in 1991 in Seoul, South Korea. She admires her free lifestyle as if she were traveling through life. She loves coffee, books, travel and photography.
In 2018, when she built a house for her family, she became convinced that architectural design can make people's lives happy. She believes design can be a tool to make a better world. To this end, she is thinking deeply and working hard everyday with a joyful heart.
She studied interior design at Kookmin University College of Design and majored in architecture at UCLA Architecture and Urban Design. At IDEAS Technology Studio, which explores experimental architectural methodologies, she studied the possibility of architecture using future technologies such as virtual reality and machine learning. She is currently working as an architectural designer in Seoul.
In 2018, when she built a house for her family, she became convinced that architectural design can make people's lives happy. She believes design can be a tool to make a better world. To this end, she is thinking deeply and working hard everyday with a joyful heart.
She studied interior design at Kookmin University College of Design and majored in architecture at UCLA Architecture and Urban Design. At IDEAS Technology Studio, which explores experimental architectural methodologies, she studied the possibility of architecture using future technologies such as virtual reality and machine learning. She is currently working as an architectural designer in Seoul.
이상미는 서울과 로스앤젤레스에서 활동 중인 건축 디자이너입니다. 1991년 대한민국 서울에서 태어났으며, 삶을 여행하듯이 사는 자유로운 라이프스타일을 동경합니다. 커피와 책, 그리고 여행과 기록을 좋아합니다.
2018년, 가족들을 위한 집을 지으면서 건축 디자인이 사람들의 삶을 행복하게 할 수 있다는 신념을 갖게 되었고, 어쩌면 디자인이 더 나은 세상을 만드는 도구가 될 수 있다고 믿게 되었습니다. 오늘도 이를 위해 즐거운 마음으로 고독하게 고찰하고 고생합니다.
이상미는 국민대학교 조형대학에서 공간 디자인을 공부하고, UCLA 건축 도시 대학원에서 건축을 전공했습니다. 실험적인 건축 방법론을 연구하는 UCLA IDEAS의 Technology 스튜디오에서 가상현실과 머신러닝 등 미래 기술을 활용한 건축의 가능성을 연구했습니다. 현재는 서울에서 건축 디자이너로 일하고 있습니다.
Licenses & Certificates
2024 AIA Associate
2019 National Craftsman 3D Printer Operation Certificate, South Korea
2020 Rumble, UCLA Architecture and Urban Design, Los Angeles
2014 Kookmin University Graduation Exhibition, Ara Art Center, Seoul
2023 "The Importance of Daily Life", Insight Talk, Samsung Value Program